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Final update VIK FF 17th Sept 2017
5 sep 2017 3 kommentarer

Firstly, we will have a collection for our Raffle / Lottery at our next training session (10th Sept) All donated gifts to be dropped off to:
P10 - Magnus Ericsson
P10 - Mitz Patel
F10 - Jenny Sondal
We are pleased to share with you, we will host our VIK FF Quarterscope at the 'Natural' grass pitch 'which includes the cafeteria.
We have access to the cafeteria on the 16th between 17:00 - 19:00
Please bring all Fika items \ (Baked items, coffee dispensers, etc.) between 17:00 - 19:00.
A second mail will follow with the last rota for the day includes:
Morning set-up
Fika / Grills schedule
Chocolate wheel schedule
Raffle / Lottery Booth schedule.
As mentioned previously, please feel free to swap your roles with other parents involved.
And could someone / anybody order some sunshine for our special day !!
See you all soon!
Mitesh P. 11 sep 2017
Good morning All!
With under a week to go, plans coming together, there is a few things that still need attention:
1 ?Who can offer some storage for 10 cartons of fresh milk this Friday, which can be transferred to the Cafeteria on Saturday?
1.5 - Coffee? We need Coffee beans\granules for the cafeteria coffee machines?
2 ? Drop of Prizes for our Raffle/Lottery 16th Sept between 17:00 ? 19:00 at the natural grass pitch.
3 ? The final tournament schedule will be sent via Svensklag website later this week.
These are the final requirements.
Thanks you all for your support/participation, and look very forward for a Super Sunday!!!!
Have a wonder week.
Mitz 12 sep 2017
Hi Sara, Milk is being supplied, and will now be delivered on Sat 16:00 directly to the cafeteria. Thank much for your offer :)
Sara Olsson 12 sep 2017