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Bildgalleri - Viggans Kvarterscup 17th Sept 2017
19 sep 2017 5 kommentarer

Hi All,
What more can I say or add that would make last Sunday even more special?
Errrrm nothing! The tournament spoke for itself.
A Massive thank you to all the Leaders, Parents and of course our players there handwork, commitment and supported throughout the tournament from the 1st day of planning to the last minute clean up.
We hosted 35 teams, 52 matches and our Referee’s reported zero injuries!
I am happy to post some memories in our Bildgalleri.
If you wish for any photo's to be taken down, please let me know.
In the coming weeks, P10 leaders will regroup. we will be holding a Leaders/parents meeting and will share information for current and future plans for our group.
Have a wonderful week!!!
P10 leaders.
Maria Johnard 19 sep 2017
Det största tacket till dig och all tid du lagt ner mitz! Imponerande 😊
Harald L. 19 sep 2017
Kan bara instämma - fantastiskt ordnat!! Ser att det delades ut medaljer men jag tror vi missade det - kan man få på träningen?
Mitesh P. 19 sep 2017
Come and see me on Sunday for a medal for Harald :)
Harald L. 19 sep 2017
Great, thanks :)
Kenneth 19 sep 2017
Tack alla för era insatser, utan er så hade det inte gått. Vi saknar en dock en tröja som inte lämnats in. vore tacksam om den lämnas in till ngn av våra ledare.